Image: myonlinegameplan
If there is one effective way to ensure the growth of a blog, it would be the syndication of its contents for added exposure and traffic. There are different kinds of syndication that can be done to achieve this goal. The chosen method should jive with the established goals of the blog so that it can provide maximized results.
Bloggers can choose to syndicate their blog by using a free syndication service. In this option, bloggers can republish their articles on sites that offer this opportunity. There is absolutely no financial consideration involved in this transaction. What it hopes to achieve for the blog is to gain additional exposure that will make it more attractive in the eyes of advertisers.  Other earning opportunities can also be obtained once a blog’s reputation is solidly established.
A more stringent syndication option is offered by licensed syndicators. Licensed syndicators however are more selective of the blogs they allow to participate in their syndication activities.  Inclusion in this option is rewarded by paid royalties every time a content is accessed by users. Blog contents are usually accessed from closed systems rather than through the usual online means. One advantage of this option which is not offered by other options is the opportunity to reach a particular audience which cannot ordinarily be accessed.
Blog syndication that is supported by ads provides bloggers a certain percentage of advertising income that comes from contents that have been syndicated. Most blog syndication in this category reward participating bloggers with increased exposure. Blog contents participating in this kind of syndication are typically republished. Web syndication can give blogs regular subscribers, readers, and authority.